Her Secret? Knowing What You Don't! How this 45-year-old Profits from Antiques

How Sarah, a part-time educator with a deep knowledge of antiques, turns hidden treasures into profits, making up to €6,000 a month from her expertly acquired finds.

Her Secret? Knowing What You Don't! How this 45-year-old Profits from Antiques

At 45, Sarah is living a life filled with discovery and passion in South Dublin. A divorced mother with a part-time career in education, she spends her days teaching and her free time diving deep into the world of antiques.

What started as a nostalgic connection to her mom’s tea set has turned into a rewarding hobby, where she uncovers hidden treasures in flea markets, thrift stores, and sometimes auctions across Europe. With an expert eye and a love for history, she transforms forgotten pieces into profitable finds, balancing her professional life with her passion for the past.

Sarah shares how her love for history, her mother’s influence, and her fascination with the past have shaped this side passion, and how she’s built up an enviable knowledge of antiques.

How did your love for antiques begin? Was it something you grew up with?

My fascination with antiques started in a very personal way. I was at a market one day when I spotted a tea set that reminded me of the one my mom had. It just brought back all these memories of her and how she loved collecting old things. She would tell me stories about the history behind each piece, and that’s when I think my love for antiques really began to grow. After that moment at the market, I started exploring more, visiting different markets and castles, just to see what I could find. It became a real passion.